Louis Paul Jonas Studios, Inc. is a fine art and fabrication company with an eighty year history of excellence. For our clients in the public sector, including every major natural history museum in the country, science museums, children's museums, hospitals and parks, we have created the finest examples of life size taxidermy mounts and diorama exhibits, life size sculptures and castings, and scale models and reproductions available.
For our clients in the private sector, including the entertainment industry, design firms, advertising agencies and corporations, we have designed and created specialty props, logos, miniature and mechanical effects, architectural models, landscapes and environments, and specialty lighting. Our mission is to continue to provide results with the high level of quality that is synonymous with our name while meeting the individual needs of a diversity of clients.
Louis Paul Jonas embarked upon so many varied and interesting projects that the current studio is a museum in and of itself. Every nook and cranny holds a memento of the work that made Jonas Studios what it is today. The Black Rhinoceros scull with horns, the out-stretched jaguar and leopard skins, the easels, sculpting stands and marble mold making tables all exude the creative energy that maintains the studio today.
The talents and values of Louis Paul Jonas have also been passed down through a generation to David Merritt, Louis' grandson. David grew up in the richly creative environment of the studio, surrounded by artists, projects and materials that stimulated and inspired him as a child to gain tremendous experiences in the arts. As a young man, he worked up to being a foreman at the studio, and then went on to establish a career in the entertainment industry. With over twenty years of experience building models, designing and constructing computerized motion control systems for cameras filming models, and being a liaison between the art/design department and the model department on projects utilizing 3-dimentional, CAD assisted laser cutting techniques for model construction, David revitalized the leading edge of technology used at the studio.
Successfully blending old world techniques and values with leading edge technology, we have developed innovative and interesting solutions to our client's problems and needs. Whether your project is realistic, fantastic, futuristic or prehistoric, we have the experience and the resources to create it. We look forward to putting our best into your project, big or small. |
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